Dear Member,
What a Scorcher!
To put it mildly, July has been a turbulent, yet dynamic (and yes hot) month following the resignation of the Prime Minister! Understandably, some constituency members may be somewhat bemused by this sudden denouement – but in truth, as recent election results showed, Boris Johnson had clearly been losing the support of voters, Party members and his own MPs for some time. Whether you agree with the leadership contest process or not, and despite the sometimes gladiatorial debate in the early rounds, there is an undoubted vibrancy gripping the Party in the run-up to the vote for the two candidates vying for the top job. We can do no better than choose wisely having carefully considered the merits of what the candidates are proposing.
Hustings for The Leadership Election
Every qualified Conservative Party member is of course entitled to support the candidate of their choice and it is a personal decision whether support is given privately or publicly.
There will be hustings for Party members in every corner of the United Kingdom over the next few weeks, so don’t miss out on your chance to hear from both candidates and make up your mind on who will become our next Party Leader and Prime Minister. The list of hustings, with venues and dates, and how to apply are HERE.
For those of us in the West Country, your chance to hear directly from Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss will be in Exeter on Monday 1st August, starting at 7.00pm. When registering for a ticket you’ll see that there is a £5 administration charge which will go towards offsetting the cost of running this event. Ticket sales will close 48 hours before the event with the venue location confirmed by email closer to the date.
If you can’t join in person, then you can sign up to join the virtual hustings by clicking the link below:
Local Briefings on the Leadership Contestants
For Liz Truss – Friday 22nd July
Last Friday, 22nd July, Marcus Fysh, MP for Yeovil since 2015, gave an address in Norton-sub-Hamdon Village Hall to about 70 members of both the Yeovil and Somerton & Frome Conservative Associations. Marcus outlined all the facets of the election process thus far, followed by the merits of each of the candidates who had stood for the leadership. He went on to explain why he was supporting Liz Truss before taking questions from the floor.
For Rishi Sunak – Friday 5th August
To provide a balance in this leadership debate, Simon Jupp, elected as the MP for East Devon in 2019, will address members of both Associations at a meeting to be held at The Shrubbery Hotel in Ilminster on Friday 5th August at 7.30pm. Simon will explain why he is supporting Rishi Sunak to be Party Leader and Prime Minister.
Current qualified members who wish to attend this briefing should register with Paul Dean at [email protected] or calling him on 07831 512874. There are limited number of spaces so please book as soon as possible.
Successful applicants will be given an attendance number which will need to be declared on arrival. No number, no entry. There is no charge for this event but cash donations would be appreciated at the door to offset the venue hire charge. Parking is limited so please car share where possible. The Shrubbery bar will be open, card or cash. I hope to see many of you there on 5th August.
Nigel Woollcombe-Adams
We were all deeply saddened by the unexpected death of Nigel Woollcombe-Adams who died earlier this month - on 11th July. He had been one of the Party’s staunchest supporters for many years. His reputation as an enthusiastic and effective Somerset County and Mendip District Councillor will always be remembered by those who benefited from his generosity of spirit, especially in respect of his specialist expertise on planning matters to which he applied his legal mind without fear or favour.
Nigel was a man of great presence with a commanding voice which would grab the attention of any meeting or social occasion. An admitted bon viveur, proud yet courteous, Nigel was a gentleman in the truest sense, maintaining the highest personal and professional standards throughout his distinguished life of public service.
To his widow Pippa and all Nigel’s family, we extend our heartfelt sympathies. He will be sorely missed.
For those who would like to attend, Nigel's funeral will be held on Monday 15th August at 3.30pm at St Peter's Church, West Lydford, TA11 7DB. The family won't be wearing funeral black, so attendees should feel free to dress joyously.
The Association Chairmanship
Before I agreed to be appointed as your Association Chairman in October 2019, I stipulated that I would serve in this role for a maximum of three years. I will therefore be standing down as Chairman at the next Executive Council Meeting, currently scheduled for Friday 21st October 2022.
I am therefore seeking any volunteer who might wish to be considered for the Chairmanship of our Association. At first, the role may seem a little daunting, but I’m pleased to say that there is a very competent team of Officers in place to help in the more specialised areas of finance, membership and local government. Moreover, the Somerset Conservative Group, based in Bridgwater, and the Conservative Campaign Headquarters (CCHQ) in London provide support on more technical matters.
These are thought-provoking times, none more so with the prospect of a new Party Leader in early September, parliamentary boundary changes taking effect next year and a General Election within the next couple of years.
The time needed for the role is really up to the individual and there are many Association Chairmen who are in full time employment, are self-employed or are recently retired. The only prerequisite is that the post-holder should have the best interests of the Conservative Party at heart.
If you are interested in putting your name forward, please do contact me for an initial discussion. The role is both stimulating and rewarding.
200 Club Winner – July Draw
The winning number in July 2022 is No 233 – and the winner is: Mr Dick Skidmore!
Congratulations Dick! You will shortly be receiving your winner’s cheque for £100.
With all best wishes,
Julian Stapleton
Somerton & Frome Conservative Association
01935 823915
07990 533185