One of Conservative main policies in Government was the £2 bus fare cap which applies to 1,263 routes in the South West.
In just over two years this cap has:
- Made it cheaper for people to commute, helping workers
- Made it cheaper to go into town centres at the weekend, helping businesses.
- Maintained demand on rural routes, helping rural communities and the vulnerable remain connected by public transport.
Labour have hiked the fare cap to £3 starting from January 1st. Costing working people who commute by bus every day £520 a year more to get to work.
It's another betrayal of working people from this Labour Government.
Vital bus services in our area were only temporarily saved by using some of the £12 million received from the Conservative Government for a bus improvement plan. Conservative Candidate, Faye Purbrick alongside the Conservative Councillor team met and successfully lobbied for to save the No 58 with the then Transport Secretary of State.
Now Labours plans to hike bus fares by 50% from £2 to £3 mean hard-working people commuting every day will pay £520 a year more.
So please sign our petition and call on Labour to reverse this unfair policy.