Wincanton & Bruton
I have lived in the small market town of Wincanton Somerset all my life, and much of my family is from Bruton with generations stretching back over 100 years.
I have been interested in politics from an early age, and from the start of 2020 I have been privileged to be the youngest Town Councillor in Wincanton. In my role as a councillor I have seen all the work that goes on behind the scenes in the community and I have tried to give young people a voice in the council chamber.
I currently work at Wincanton Sports Centre on reception and as a lifeguard and I enjoy talking to the customers and some come directly to me asking for help with local issues they have in the town, which I try and help to get resolved.
I am a member of the Wincanton Silver Band and have been since I was about 9–10 years old and enjoy taking part in local events with the band.
I believe that I can make a difference to the community in which I have lived all my life and give a young person’s perspective to council issues as politics is about everyone and the future.